Category Archives: Blog

The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels

Michaelmas, the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, is observed this Sunday, September 29 and is a significant feast in the Anglican calendar. It is celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church as the Dedication of St Michael the Archangel. It offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on the often-overlooked role of angels in our faith, making us think of the spiritual reality that surrounds us, and the ongoing battle between good and evil.

St. Michael is the mighty warrior of God, the one who cast Lucifer and his fallen angels out of heaven. In the book of Revelation, St. Michael leads the heavenly hosts against the forces of darkness, standing as a symbol of God’s ultimate victory over evil. When we contemplate Michaelmas, we are invited to consider not only the celestial beings who do God’s will but also the spiritual warfare that takes place beyond our physical senses.
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You Can’t Fit a Square Peg in a Round Hole

As I reflected this morning on the teachings of our Lord, the image of a square peg and a round hole came to mind. It’s a simple idea, one we’ve all heard before: you can’t fit a square peg in a round hole. But in its simplicity, this saying holds a deeper spiritual truth.

The Gospel is clear. Christ’s teachings do not conform to the patterns of this world. His words, His commandments, His way of life—these are like the square peg. The world, with all its brokenness and distorted values, is the round hole. No matter how much we try, we cannot fit the two together. The teachings of Christ will never perfectly align with the ways of a world that has turned its back on God. This is something we must reckon with as Christians. Too often, people attempt to soften or reshape the Gospel to make it more palatable, more acceptable, more in tune with modern sensibilities. But this is like trying to shave off the edges of that square peg just to make it fit. In doing so, we lose the essence of what Christ has given us. His teachings are radical, countercultural, and unyielding. They challenge us to be transformed, not to conform. Continue reading

Rainy Day at St. Matthew’s, Hurricane Helene Sweeps Through Tennessee

It’s another rainy day here at the hermitage. The skies have been heavy with dark clouds since yesterday evening as the effects of Hurricane Helene make their way through the state. The wind has been moderate for now, sometimes strong bending the trees on the shores of Normandy Lake, and the rain has been steady, soaking the earth.

The sound of the rain falling against the windows brings a certain stillness, a reminder of how small we are in the face of God’s creation. There’s something about these storms that make you pause and reflect—on the power of nature, on the fragility of life, and on the constant need for trust in the Lord’s providence. Hurricanes like Helene remind me how quickly things can change. The calm that was here just a few days ago has been replaced by the rush of wind and rain. Yet, even in this, there is a kind of peace. The storm outside mirrors the storms we face in life, and much like we take shelter during the rain, we seek refuge in Christ the Good Shepherd during our trials.
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Paid clergy?

I received a question about how clerics are “paid”. None of the clergy in the Church receives salaries. Neither is there a retirement plan provided by the Church. Clerics must be able to support themselves, and before being ordained, if they have a spouse, the spouse agrees that he/she understands this arrangement.
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