Finding God in the Quiet of the Morning

There is a sacredness in the stillness of the day’s early hours, a kind of peace that envelops the soul as the world begins to awaken. In the quiet of the morning, before the day’s demands rush in, there is a rare opportunity to simply be—to rest in the presence of God and listen for His voice in the silence. I find that these moments of stillness are some of the most precious times to commune with the Creator. As the light of dawn gently touches the earth, I am reminded that each new day is a gift, an opportunity to draw closer to Him. The silence isn’t just the absence of noise—it is a space where the heart is more open, more in tune to the divine presence that surrounds and sustains all of creation. In these quiet moments, I am often drawn to ponder the teachings of Christ. His words, so often spoken in the simplicity of nature or the calm of the early morning, seem to resonate more deeply for me in this stillness. The Beatitudes, the call to love our enemies, the invitation to take up our cross—all of these teachings come alive in the silence, as a personal call to live in the light of His truth.

For many hermits, morning is a time for contemplation, for letting Christ’s words sink into the heart and transform it. It’s a time to reflect on how His teachings can shape the day ahead, how they can guide every thought, word, and action. In this stillness, I think of the simplicity of His message, a call to love, to forgive, to show mercy, and to seek first the Kingdom of God.

There is something deep about sitting in the quiet and allowing these truths to take root. The distractions of the world are momentarily held at bay, and in the silence, I find a deeper clarity. Jesus’ teachings are not burdensome or complicated; they are an invitation to live in harmony with the will of God. They call me to let go of my anxieties, my selfish ambitions, and my fears, and to trust in His goodness and mercy. Thus, as the day begins to unfold, I carry this stillness with me. It becomes a touchstone, a reminder that no matter how chaotic the world may be on the outside of my hermitage, I can always remind myself that this quiet place is not only physical, but also in my heart. The presence of God is not confined to the early hours of the morning—it is with me always. But there is something uniquely special about encountering Him in the stillness, before the noise of life drowns out His voice.

The teachings of Christ invite us to live in this kind of quiet trust, to walk through each day with a heart that is in step with His voice. In the morning stillness, I find the strength to do just that. It is here, in these quiet moments, that I am reminded of the beauty of His love, the simplicity of His truth, and the peace that comes from resting in His presence.

As the world slowly awakens, I hold on to that peace, knowing that in every moment—whether busy or still—Jesus is here, quietly calling me to draw nearer to Him, to live in His love, and to walk in His ways.

“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” (Ps. 90:14)